[Tiếng Anh] Our Open Diary (Nhật Ký Mở)


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Re: [Tiếng Anh] Our Open Diary (Nhật Ký Mở)
You got some mistakes here. :3
- This is good topic => This is a good topic.
- It's help => It helps.
- I know have a lot of people talk by English very well in this forum. Maybe "I know that there are a lot of people speaking English very well in this forum" is more correct.
- Not good idea, because my English not so good => Not a good idea, because my English is not so good.
- Talk English => Speak.
- 100 words is so much with me => You can say, like, "100 words is too much for me".
- In the next time => Next time.
- For appropriate with => appropriate for + noun or appropriate to + verb. Maybe you can say "I hope you will change the rule to make it more appropriate for us to use."
- I wish growing topic and getting the support of the members in the forum => I don't really understand this sentence. Did you mean you wished this topic would grow and get the support of all the members in the forum, right?
Hope you will improve your English skills. :)

(By the way, xiaofang, the word mistake is countable, so there should be a letter 's' here, right? :P)

My opinion: This topic is quite good, it helps me to express my feelings, thoughts,... Also I need to improve my Writing Skills, and I'll be very appreciated if someone can point out my mistakes for me. :D

Just a small question: How can we know whether we have written more than 100 words or not? ;;)
I don't know, Ms xiaofang counted for me, so ask her! :P
For the sentence
I wish growing topic and getting the support of the members in the forum
I think she had the same idea with what you explained. Sorry, but damn it, I miss Microsoft office! Writing English here is a challenge for me.
From what you worte, I guess your English writing is very good. Then, I will try to write down as much as I can, and hope you can help me correct them and help me learn more about writing skill.
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Re: [Tiếng Anh] Our Open Diary (Nhật Ký Mở)
xiaofang, Ivy_Nguyen, hmaster0142, libra_2000, Yu Cherry, streetchick:

1. To answer the same question regarding 100-word rule:

The main purpose of this topic is not to chat or merely to correct each other's spelling and grammar. It is to share your daily thoughts or personal view on anything, or even creative writing if you'd like. As you can see, post #2 is reserved for selected posts with remarkable or worth reading contents. It is not to say that you can't correct each other writing either. But if you really want to impress, why not add a few more sentences of your own thoughts of the day? A single post can always have two parts: helping with each other's writing and sharing your own writing. ;)

How do you know if you have 100 words in your post? If you want to be exact, sure, you can write in MS Word and copy and paste here. The forum does have a code for word count but it will not be applied to this topic or any topic on gacsach.com at this point. On average, 100 words make up about 5 to 6 full lines in the Comment section in this thread (eg. the previous paragraph I just wrote is clearly more than 100 words. Does that seem like a lot?) If you don't feel like counting your words, just make sure you have at least 6 full lines of words in your post and you'll be safe. :P

This rule is not made to be strictly enforced, but also not to be ignored. It is to prevent spamming and turning this thread into a chat room for English speakers. This means that the Moderator will not go into every single post and count the words. But the Moderator does have the authority to delete post should the purpose of the comments becoming regular chatting and does not meet the word count rule. It is also not to say that a post with good content but could only manage to have 99 words will be immediately deleted. The rule is there to encourage members to write more meaningful thoughts in every single post.

Rules can be changed. However, it will not be changed before everyone at least take a shot at following it first. After all, you are here because you want to work on your English writing, why not push yourself a bit harder, mate?

2. Ivy_Nguyen:
There is no need to call each other with "Ms." or "Miss" or "Mr." prefixes. It sounds too formal and gives me some goosebumps. :P :D

3. libra_2000
I think having a translation is defeating the purpose of an English open diary. :)

4. streetchick
Please do not use the color red to highlight words when correcting errors. It is reserved for the admin team to write warnings only. Blue/green/orange/pink... are all there for use. :)

I hope I have addressed everyone's question. Thank you for participating in this topic. It's quite exciting to see many posts already. I'm hoping that once we straighten out some of the questions everyone had, the posts will become more like a shared blog on your daily lives and thoughts. :)

Yu Cherry

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Re: [Tiếng Anh] Our Open Diary (Nhật Ký Mở)
I don't know, Ms xiaofang counted for me, so ask her! :P
For the sentence
I think she had the same idea with what you explained. Sorry, but damn it, I miss Microsoft office! Writing English here is a challenge for me.
From what you worte, I guess your English writing is very good. Then, I will try to write down as much as I can, and hope you can help me correct them and help me learn more about writing skill.
Hey, I don't know that my comment is confusing. My English is not good. But I will try, try, and try to learn more. Actually, I'm very self-deprecating about my English pronunciation, such as distinguish tail "s" and "z" or "id", "t" or "d", etc...
Now, I want to translating a short story by myself, however, I don't know where I start. :|
This is a good topic. I like it so much. Thanks Ms. Small Fly for this topic! (Copy from Ivy_Nguyen)
And now, I don't know what I can write down... :D

You got some mistakes here. :3
- This is good topic => This is a good topic.
- It's help => It helps.
- I know have a lot of people talk by English very well in this forum. Maybe "I know that there are a lot of people speaking English very well in this forum" is more correct.
- Not good idea, because my English not so good => Not a good idea, because my English is not so good.
- Talk English => Speak.
- 100 words is so much with me => You can say, like, "100 words is too much for me".
- In the next time => Next time.
- For appropriate with => appropriate for + noun or appropriate to + verb. Maybe you can say "I hope you will change the rule to make it more appropriate for us to use."
- I wish growing topic and getting the support of the members in the forum => I don't really understand this sentence. Did you mean you wished this topic would grow and get the support of all the members in the forum, right?
Hope you will improve your English skills. :)

(By the way, xiaofang, the word mistake is countable, so there should be a letter 's' here, right? :P)

My opinion: This topic is quite good, it helps me to express my feelings, thoughts,... Also I need to improve my Writing Skills, and I'll be very appreciated if someone can point out my mistakes for me. :D

Just a small question: How can we know whether we have written more than 100 words or not? ;;)
Ahhh, thanks for finding my mistakes!
Everyone, have a nice day! :oops:
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Re: [Tiếng Anh] Our Open Diary (Nhật Ký Mở)
Hey, I don't know that my comment is confusing. My English is not good. But I will try, try, and try to learn more. Actually, I'm very self-deprecating about my English pronunciation, such as distinguish tail "s" and "z" or "id", "t" or "d", etc...
Now, I want to translates a short story by myself, however, I don't know where I start. :|
This is a good topic. I like it so much. Thanks Ms. Small Fly for this topic! (Copy from Ivy_Nguyen)
And now, I don't know what I can write down... :D
Ahhh, thanks for finding my mistakes!
Everyone, have a nice day! :oops:

Woaaaa, please do not call each other with Ms. Miss or Mr. here in this topic. It is too formal to address each other in a forum like Gac Sach. Calling each other by their nick name is more appropriate. I don't use the word "self-deprecating" very often. As a matter of fact, I don't even know what that means. But I guess you're talking about being anxious since you cannot speak some of the word ending correctly. Sorry that is something we cannot help you here since all we're doing is writing only. I suggest participating in school or local English clubs. Vietnamese is more aligning with French in regard that consonants being silenced at the word end, so maybe you'll have better luck learning French? :P

As for translating a short story, you can begin by translating the first sentence of the story. One by one then it will be done. Ta-da! You can also post your translation here for everyone to review and help you improving your English, but you will have to translate more than one sentence (or at least 100 words) before you can post. :)


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Re: [Tiếng Anh] Our Open Diary (Nhật Ký Mở)
h.y's journal 19-Sep-2014

Well, sometimes I feel that because I go too easy on people, some of them kinda show me disrespect. Here is the thing. We have been playing in a group for about 2 years. To be more details, my group has 8 members, quite a lot, for me, personally to handle. We have tradition to celebrate each member birthday. Unfortunately, my birthday is in summer, when school is off and since not everyone is from Hanoi, so it is hard for us to all gather in my birthday. I understand that, somehow still upsetting, but I managed to accept it. But it was the situation of the first year. But in the second year, they were all in Hanoi, and still, they didn't show any concern about my birthday. But on another member's birthday, when we have school again, they planned to celebrate her birthday.
Well, I don't know how to feel about that. Should I feel upset or not? Actually on the first year, I mentioned about how to celebrate my birthday when summer came a couple of time, and they said that they did know it so I didn't have to mention about that. So I did do what they said, and when I saw what they did (I mean they did nothing) then, I can't not stop myself from feeling that I am not important to them at all.
To be honest, birthday is an important day to me, and I am very very upset and disappointed when they ignored it. But I don't want to be a burden when mentioning about it with them. There is lots of things I didn't say not because I feel nothing. When they tell me about planning another member's birthday, do they ever think about how I feel? And really, Am I being meanie for concerning about stuff like that?

Nobody wanna be alone on their birthday, right?
When the summer comes, they too busy with their plan to remember the others birthday. Year by year, i almost forgot my birthday. I don't care if is there anyone celebrate it or not.
Nothing is matter, you can still have fun without them. If they celebrate just because you reminded them so many times, can you happy? For me, if they really care about me, they will remember by themself.
My writing is so poor, i'm gonna end it from here. No one care about you more than yourself. Enjoy it, put those people aside.

Praying there is no mistakes. [-O<
Well, I guess it's just, I think that when playing in group, everyone is equal. But now it may turn out to be not like that, so I am a little bit disappointed. Or maybe from the first start, I never be good at playing in a group which has more than 3 people. :(
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Re: [Tiếng Anh] Our Open Diary (Nhật Ký Mở)
Well, sometimes I feel that because I go too easy on people, some of them kinda show me disrespect. Here is the thing. We have been playing in a group for about 2 years. To be more details, my group has 8 members, quite a lot, for me, personally to handle. We have tradition to celebrate each member birthday. Unfortunately, my birthday is in summer, when school is off and since not everyone is from Hanoi, so it is hard for us to all gather in my birthday. I understand that, somehow still upsetting, but I managed to accept it. But it was the situation of the first year. But in the second year, they were all in Hanoi, and still, they didn't show any concern about my birthday. But on another member's birthday, when we have school again, they planned to celebrate her birthday.
Well, I don't know how to feel about that. Should I feel upset or not? Actually on the first year, I mentioned about how to celebrate my birthday when summer came a couple of time, and they said that they did know it so I didn't have to mention about that. So I did do what they said, and when I saw what they did (I mean they did nothing) then, I can't not stop myself from feeling that I am not important to them at all.
To be honest, birthday is an important day to me, and I am very very upset and disappointed when they ignored it. But I don't want to be a burden when mentioning about it with them. There is lots of things I didn't say not because I feel nothing. When they tell me about planning another member's birthday, do they ever think about how I feel? And really, Am I being meanie for concerning about stuff like that?
Nobody wanna be alone on their birthday, right?
When the summer comes, they too busy with their plan to remember the others birthday. Year by year, i almost forgot my birthday. I don't care if is there anyone celebrate it or not.
Nothing is matter, you can still have fun without them. If they celebrate just because you reminded them so many times, can you happy? For me, if they really care about me, they will remember by themself.
My writing is so poor, i'm gonna end it from here. No one care about you more than yourself. Enjoy it, put those people aside.

Praying there is no mistakes. [-O<


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Re: [Tiếng Anh] Our Open Diary (Nhật Ký Mở)
Nobody wanna be alone on their birthday, right?
When the summer comes, they too busy with their plan to remember the others birthday. Year by year, i almost forgot my birthday. I don't care if is there anyone celebrate it or not.
Nothing is matter, you can still have fun without them. If they celebrate just because you reminded them so many times, can you happy? For me, if they really care about me, they will remember by themself.
My writing is so poor, i'm gonna end it from here. No one care about you more than yourself. Enjoy it, put those people aside.

Praying there is no mistakes. [-O<
I think you make some mistakes, such as this sentence: I don't care if is there anyone celebrate it or not; and this: can you happy?
I suggest fixing them as following:
-I don't care if is there anyone celebrate it or not--->...if there is...
Can you happy?---> can you feel happy? or can you be happy?
-Nothing is matter---> nothing is the matter

My English is not good. And i hope that all of my sentences are exactly true.:D
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Why so serious?
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Re: [Tiếng Anh] Our Open Diary (Nhật Ký Mở)
Hehe, ok, let's me write something ;).
1/ May be this post will be deleted because less than 100 words.
2/ The biggest problem is how can i think and write down to meet the target 100 words without mistakes? :)
3/ And give me one favour: please do not translate member's nick name into English, like Ms Leaf, Ms Small Fly... i think so funny and makes confusing. Just Lá or conruoinho, right? It's just the name, and no one should be explain or translate the name for easier.
4/ Not much relevant, i just come back Gac after 10 busy days but my feeling and energy still slow down. So, what need to do to get back energy??? Huhuhu.
conruoinho : correct my mistakes (if any) please. :D


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Re: [Tiếng Anh] Our Open Diary (Nhật Ký Mở)
Wow, this topic is so cool. I think this is the opportunity for all of Gac's members to improve their English. And including me, of course. :D

Well, today I'm very lazy to do my homework (Literature actually), and I decided to online Gac Sach for reading some news or topics, and I have found out this topic. Like I said, I really like this idea of Ms conruoinho. It helps me improve English a lot by reading those comments of yours and everybody else.

This is all I want to say today. I hope it's enough 100 words (or maybe not). :v


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Re: [Tiếng Anh] Our Open Diary (Nhật Ký Mở)
Hi all,

I have no intention of deleting anyone's post if there are spelling or grammar mistakes in English. If you re-read #1, you will see that the rule says to follow "standard punctuation" rule, ie. capitalizing at the beginning of a sentence, after a period, etc... There's no doubt all of us will make mistakes writing in English. After all, it's not our native language. So just chill, and be confident in our own writing ability, OK lah?


Per Catcat's request:
0/ let's me:
--> let's = let us
==>This should be "let me".

1/ May be this post will be deleted because less than 100 words
--> May be = can be, allow to be,...
Maybe= perhaps, probably, possibly,...
--> Because less than 100 words: need a verb before "less".
==> Maybe this post will be deleted for being less than 100 words.
Maybe this post will be deleted because it is less than 100 words.

And give me one favour:...
==> And do me one favour:...
And do me a favour...

... i think so funny and makes confusing...
==> I think it is so funny and confusing...
I think it is so funny and confuses (others)...

It's just the name, and no one should be explain or translate the name for easier.
--> a vs. the
==> It's just a name, and no one should (need to) explain or translate the names to make it easier.

4/ Not much relevant, i just come back Gac after 10 busy days but my feeling and energy still slow down. So, what need to do to get back energy??? Huhuhu.
==> Not really relevant, I just come back to Gac after 10 busy days but my feeling and energy are still down. So, what do I need to do to get energy back?
(Hmm... not sure, drink Redbulls or coffee? :P)
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